Monday, November 11, 2019

1 Corinthians 15: Verses 36-38:

 When a seed is planted in the ground it dies;
decomposing, it ceases to exist in its seed form, but life comes from inside that dead seed.
Just as God gives a new body to that plant that rises from the dead seed,
so He can give a resurrection body to a man who dies.
1 Corinthians 15:36
"[Thou] fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:"
It is a dangerous thing to call someone a fool, so Paul is indirectly and not directly calling them a fool.
He is saying, are you so foolish to believe that the same seed that you plant grows into a seed?
When you put a little seed in the ground, it dies and then a new plant springs forth from the seed.
1 Corinthians 15:37
"And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other [grain]:"
It is so strange for a little acorn to be planted in the ground and then a short time later in the very spot where you planted the acorn a little tree pops out of the earth. 

If you plant a bean, you will not get corn.
The plant that comes from the seed is very like the seed and you will be able to relate it to the seed that you planted, but it will not be identical.
This is the same with our body that is planted. A new body comes forth, but you would be able to relate the new body to the old, because Jesus still had the nail prints in his hands.
He was, however, different enough that even His apostles, looking with physical eyes did not recognize Him.
It was only when their spiritual understanding was opened, that they recognized Jesus as the risen Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:38
 "But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body."

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