Monday, April 19, 2021

If the Bible is the word of God


If the following Scripture is correct and the Bible is the word of God then it is also true that not all

 christians are Christians!

 (GOD cannot lie).

And the following is true?

 Jesus Christ is Lord

1 John 3:8-10

John 8:44

“Devil” comes from a Greek verb meaning “to slander” or “to falsely accuse”. He is a malignant liar!

Revelation 20:8

Revelation 20:2

Matthew 7:15


Job 1:6-12


Job 2:1-5


Romans 8:33-34


Revelation 12:10


Why would true Christians constantly insist on following trump and his trump republicans in congress and the country?

He is a malignant liar!

Romans 10:8-10 NIV - But what does it say? "The word is ...

 When do we begin to think for ourselves and believe the truth?

Romans 10:8-10 NIV


Not all christians are Christians!


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