Israelites now calling themselves Jews
The Jew of today is back once
again a slave to the taskmasters (Gentiles).
It must be time once again for those Christ-mas Movies?
Why are the Decedents of Abraham,
Jacob (Israel), Hebrews now only called
Have you ever wondered why the people in the land of Israel are
called Jews?
I have so I decided to find out?
the end of time super near?
Time once again for those Hollywood holiday movies!
God’s chosen people have gone from the promise to Abraham’s family to be as the sands or the sea to a slave to the rulers of the known world as (David’s Israel) to a tiny country?
When the family of Jacob, the Israelites now calling themselves Jews start to praise Jesus we might start thinking the end is super near!
Why are the Decedents of Abraham, Jacob (Israel), Hebrews now only called Jews?
Long story short however one should read the complete books to 2nd fact my answers?
After the Israelites were ruled by the kings Saul, David and Solomon and of course many others, the kingdom was divided into two, with 10 tribes of Israel and two of Judah.
1 Kings 12 Bible
Commentary - Matthew Henry (concise)
2 Chronicles 10:1–19 NIV - Rehoboam went to… | Biblia
In 722 BC, what was left to the 10 tribes of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians and the Israelites were dispersed into surrounding nations.
2 Kings 17:1-23 NIV - Hoshea Last King of Israel - In the ...
Because they were assimilated and have no national identity, they are known as the “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel”.
However, some remained in Israel and some moved to Judah (2 Chron. 15:9; 35:18).
In 605 BC and 598 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia invaded Judah and in 586 B.C. Jerusalem was destroyed.
Many of the Jews were taken to exile in Babylon. When the Persians conquered Babylon in 538 BC, the Persian King Cyrus permitted the Jews to return to their homelands and many returned to Judah.
Because the ten tribes were long ago assimilated in the Babylonian exile, “Jew” replaced “Israelite” as the most widely-used term for these survivors.
Because of all of this past the Jewish religion is now known as Judaism.
All of the above was the plan of this book is to teach the world both Jew and Gentile that the messiah will, actually has come from the Davidic line and is coming back soon?
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