Saturday, February 29, 2020


Who were the majority of visitors to the 'Land of Promise displaced by Israel?
Isaac, Abraham’s son was the father of,
Jacob and Esau and as history would show were to become
bitter enemies engaged with each other in war.
 Jacob’s ancestor was Abraham, 
his decedents are now called Jews?
Esau's ancestor was Abram, 
and his decedents 
are now called Arabs?

Jacob was names first
because Esau his older brother by seconds,
sold his birth right to his younger by seconds
brother Jacob!
Creator God changed Jacob's name to (Israel),
who had 13 boy children,
one committed crimes against Creator God!
(Hence 12 Tribes of Israel).

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The never ending beginning of the First World War

The never ending beginning of the First World War

 (2079 B.C)

 is now on its last journey to an abrupt nasty ending!

Melchizedek king of Salem (Messiah), (Jesus), and two angles destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

 because of Adams Lust!

Adam in the bible means men and women.

Verses 37-38: The two sons born of incest became the progenitors of Moab and Ammon, Israel’s longstanding enemies

"Ben-ammi" means son of my kindred. This Ben-ammi was the beginning of the Ammonites.

These people were nomads.

They were so intertwined with the Moabites that they were both called by both names from time to time.

The Israelites were forbidden to molest these Ammonites, even though the Ammonites sometimes sided against Israel.

Their false god was Molech

Messiah The soon to come 'World Leader, the King of kings (Revelations)

Jesus because of Gods love he willingly placed your/our sins on himself to save our souls! Love thy neighbor (Christians)

Abram 2nd wife Hagar (Ishmael) Muslims
Abraham 1st wife Sara (Sarah) "Isaac" (Israel)

Genesis 17:7-8

Genesis 17:10

The never ending beginning of the First World War

 (2079 B.C) Ishmael

(2065 B.C.) Isaac

 is now on its last journey to an abrupt nasty ending!

In Isaac, Ishmael saw all his hopes for an inheritance shattered.

The discord may have seemed trivial at first glance,

but with time it became a fundamental rift, on the background of which the

New Testament would expound the incompatibility of

(the natural man and the spiritual man)

Monday, February 17, 2020

These people were nomads.

Melchizedek king of Salem;
 (Messiah), and two angles destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah

 because of Adams Lust!

Adam in the bible means men and women.

Verses 37-38: 
The two sons born of incest became the progenitors of Moab and Ammon, Israel’s longstanding enemies

"Ben-ammi" means son of my kindred. 
This Ben-ammi was the beginning of the Ammonites.

These people were nomads.

They were so intertwined with the Moabites that they were both called by both names from time to time.

The Israelites were forbidden to molest these Ammonites, even though the Ammonites sometimes sided against Israel.

Their false god was Molech

The soon to come 'World Leader, the King of kings (Revelations)

 because of Gods love he willingly placed your/our sins on himself to save our souls! Love thy neighbor (Christians)

Abram 2nd wife Hagar (Ishmael) Muslims
Abraham 1st wife Sara (Sarah) "Isaac" (Israel)
Genesis 17:7-8
Genesis 17:10

The never ending beginning of the First World War

 (2079 B.C)

 is now on its last journey to an abrupt nasty ending!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Leeds, England

Welcome to my friend from Leeds, England
America will be involved in the ‘Battle of Armageddon’!
Saturday, October 12, 2019

Remember; if you have questions, 
I will try to answer, even if the answer is, 
“I do not know, let us both go find out”?

After all; 
I do not know is much better then telling a lie 
my name is not ‘Commander in Thief’ J
Same thing for you 
my friend 
as I posted to London

One must grab the ‘diaper babies’ by the hand to help them see, understand, and walk away from danger, or ‘God only knows what will happen to them next year’!

 it is getting very tiring constantly babysitting people that seem to not be able to see the

(Hand writing on the wall)!

Daniel 5 NIV;KJV

Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan

London, England

Welcome to London, England
My post on
Mehlville, Missouri
Saturday, February 15, 2020

One must grab the ‘diaper babies’ by the hand to help them
see, understand, and walk away from danger!
 ‘God only knows what will happen to them next year’!


 it is getting very tiring constantly babysitting people
that seem to not be able to see the 
(hand writing on the wall)!

Daniel 5 NIV;KJV

Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan

Mehlville, Missouri

Welcome to Mehlville, Missouri
The battle of Armageddon
America will be involved in the ‘Battle of Armageddon’!
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Answer (YES)!
However; this country will not be because of your ‘Commander in Thief’!
He is too stupid and greedy to care about your trip to (Wherever).
A (Show Me state), that raises corn and cotton, cockleburs and Democrats.
And now you are the #19th poorest state in the United States and ‘republican’!
Seeing any problems are we?
The Above links should answer the question as to this countries part in WW-3?
If nor remember, all questions and comments will be answered.

Love and blessings from
Creator to You All
Shechaim Ohjieshan
“Don’t get scared,
 it’s your country, take it back”!
“This is our Watch”!


Welcome to the visitor from Nairobi, Nairobi Area, Kenya
My learning blog posting on religion around Mother Earth.
By way of
By the way of
As a follower of my elder ‘Spiritual Teachers’ (now my ancestors),
and now a retired ‘Spiritual Teacher from my people’ 
and the last in line,
I wish to learn something about your and others beliefs?
So far my finding, if one really wishes to know,
can teach that most, if not all, believe in at least one ‘Supreme Being’.
For instance, my people pray to
(Father Creator, Father Sky, Father Spirit)!
I also find that the Hebrew, Christian and Moslem teaching and beliefs
closely follow along the line of our beliefs, what about your beliefs?

Friday, February 14, 2020


Hebrew names means Mountain - Sychar ,Sychem, Sichem, Shechem.
Mohiigan names means leader - Sachem, Shechaim?
Love and blessings from
Creator to You
Shechaim Ohjieshan

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

“Sons of Noah”

“Sons of Noah”:

All the people of the world since the Flood have descended from the three sons of Noah 
I believe;
 although not now not ever an expert, 
that Satan’s demons were on the ark hidden in the sons, and 
this is why I believe this.
Ham had evil thoughts soon after the flood.
Satan is responsible for all the evil in the world
Canaan was evil from his beginning, the reason why Creator (God), has to
over throw his land and replaced it with Creators chosen people!

Canaan a descendent from Ham, Noah’s son was, ancient evil Palestine!

Many races of people were started from Canaan. 
Jebusite, Amorite, Girgasite, Hivite, Arkite, Sinite, Arvadite, Zemarite, and the Hamathite. 
Ham's descendants worshipped false gods.

The sons of Ham”: Many of whom were Israel’s enemies.

Genesis 10:6
"And the sons of Ham; 
Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan."
“And the sons of Ham”: 
Scripture speaks of Egypt as the land of Ham 
(Psalm 78:51; Psalm 105:23; Psalm 106:22), Cush, Ethiopia, including Arabia, and Abyssinia.
Cush is believed to have been on the Upper Nile, 
afterwards spread to Arabia, Babylonia, and India.
Some of Ham's descendants settled Africa, and Ethiopia.
Mizraim was commonly accepted as Egypt.
"Mizraim" was translated Egypt eighty-seven times in the Bible. 
Phut was an African country or peoples, probably joining Egypt.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Chanhassen, Minnesota

Welcome to the visitor from Chanhassen, Minnesota
First I wish to congratulate you on your great score,

(48 on the poorest out of 50 
3, on the richest out of 50!
And welcome to the 
Blue-side of government 
of the people 
for the people!
 Thank-you for your visit to
Authoritarian and Totalitarian?
Friday, February 7, 2020

Please also take a moment to read 
Newmarket, New Hampshire
 question and answer 
if you will?

'Democratic', 'Authoritarianism', or 'Totalitarianism'


Saturday, November 16, 2019

9 and 12 year old girls of a father sold to old men to be married!

  It would seem that some people are having a problem with my ‘Creator, the Torah, Quran and the Bible’?   Cow’s to be sold to men as sl...